woman and boy stretching

Our Story

Health innovator Jeff Arnold founded Sharecare to fix fragmentation in health. Over the next three years, we developed technology, content, and partner relationships culminating in the launch of our platform.

As thousands and thousands of people like you engaged with the platform, we cultivated insights, deepened partner relationships, and bought companies with trailblazing technology and proven programs. We made the platform a powerful health connector.

Today, Sharecare is the leading digital health company, linking millions of people across the health system. We’re incredibly grateful to reach this point. And we have more work to do. We’ll never stop making the health system work better, together, for all.

Our leadership

Bold solutions need bold leaders. That’s why we assembled a diverse team of visionaries, systems thinkers, and relationship builders.

Recent press

Read the latest announcements and news about Sharecare

Our platform

Anyone is welcome to use our award-winning platform. The more we all use it, the healthier we all become. Learn more below by selecting who you are.

Sharecare by the numbers

launched Sharecare platform
RealAge assessment taken
disease management and chronic care experience
hospital / practice partners
organizational partners
Blue Zones Project communities
Ornish Lifestyle Medicine sites
social media followers


American Academy of Ophtamology
American Diabetes Association
American Heart Association
American Cancer Society
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
American Red Cross
ANA Enterprise


Read the latest announcements and news about Sharecare.

Accreditations and Awards

NCAQ Accredited Population Health Program
NCQA awards the status of Accredited–3 years to organizations that demonstrate strong performance of the functions outlined in the standards for Population Health Program accreditation.
NCAQ Accredited Wellness and Health Promotion
NCQA WHP is a broad-based accreditation program for organizations that offer comprehensive wellness and health promotion services.
NCQA awards the status of Accredited-3 years by demonstrating strong performance of the functions outlined in the standards for Case Management accreditation

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