What I’m Thankful For
By Jeff Arnold, CEO and Chairman
One of the things I appreciate the most about Sharecare is that our employees are committed to sharing care beyond their day-to-day “jobs.” From organizing charity runs to volunteering at animal shelters and working in soup kitchens, Sharecare employees today embody what Dr. Oz and I only aspired for the company to be when we launched it five years ago. We highlighted the story of one such employee, Leah Lindsey, last week at our quarterly company meeting, and, with Thanksgiving upon us, I thought it needed to be shared.
For the last two and a half years, Leah and her wife, Amy, have opened their home and their hearts to five children in Georgia’s foster system. And recently, they began the adoption process of 15-year old Raevyn – a kind, outgoing young lady who has been in care of the foster system for three years. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to watch the Lindseys’ story of sharing care through adoption.
And this Thursday, as I’m giving thanks for my many blessings, included among them will be my inspiring co-workers like Leah.
From our Sharecare family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving.