Inspiration lies within
By Jeff Arnold, CEO and Chairman
Each quarter at Sharecare, our ever-growing team of employees – now at 750 — gets virtually together across our 10 offices to update them on the company’s progress and align our priorities for the next three months. It’s a great way to ensure we’re in sync as we manage our rapid growth as well as meet the demands of a dynamic market. To remind us why we do what we do every day, we kick off each of these meetings with an employee who is willing to share their story about a health issue that has impacted them, and how it inspires them to work in the digital health industry. It’s a video series we’ve dubbed “Sharing Care.”
At our most recent quarterly meeting – held this past Friday – the Sharing Care spotlight was on Genevieve Longtin, our director of email marketing and engagement based out of our San Diego office. For the last 20 years, Gen has struggled with the chronic pain condition, fibromyalgia. I’ll admit, last Friday was the first time I learned Gen was dealing with this disease – and, as you can imagine, I felt sympathy for her suffering. That, however, was quickly outweighed by my respect for her courage and willingness to become a support system for people newly diagnosed with fibromyalgia.
Gen’s story also drove home an important reminder for me as a CEO: when you hire someone, you hire the whole person, not just their “professional persona.” Particularly in healthcare, our personal experiences outside of the workplace can bring real value to the business – because it helps us make better products for the consumer.
I hope you’ll take a couple of minutes to watch Gen’s video, and be inspired to share care.