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Sharecare events

The value of Sharecare’s Health Promotion team: Finding your purpose and its health benefits

Live Webinar
April 30, 2024
The value of Sharecare’s Health Promotion team: Finding your purpose and its health benefits

Join us for an informational conversation on how Sharecare’s Health Promotion team can benefit your population. Don’t just take our word for it, we’ll be taking attendees through one of our most popular interactive workshops on finding your purpose and the positive impact that this has on your health.  

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Sustainable behavior and habit change: How Sharecare’s digital offerings support long-term health goals

On-Demand Webinar
Sustainable behavior and habit change: How Sharecare’s digital offerings support long-term health goals

Join us for a thoughtful conversation on fostering sustainable behavior and habit change with Sharecare’s innovative digital solutions. We’ll discuss how our evidence-based digital therapeutics are tailored to support long-term health goals through mindfulness and awareness practices over sheer willpower.

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Trusted Caregiving: Personalized In-Home Care to Address Social Isolation, Readmissions, and Other Priorities

On-Demand Webinar
Trusted Caregiving: Personalized In-Home Care to Address Social Isolation, Readmissions, and Other Priorities

When leveraged to serve as “eyes, ears, and arms” of health plans, caregivers will drive value in care delivery so that health plans can play a bigger role in combatting members’ social isolation, medication adherence, and identifying gaps in care. So, how can health plans implement in-home care offerings that address quality concerns and meet their strategic initiatives?

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