The Connection Between Health and Wealth
By Jeff Arnold, CEO and Chairman
Earlier this year, PwC’s 2016 Employee Financial Wellness Survey found that 52% of Americans are stressed about their finances, with 45% of experiencing even greater money-related stress in the last year. The survey also revealed that Millennials – the largest share of the U.S. workforce – report having more financial stress than any other generation polled. On their own, those findings aren’t particularly encouraging – and when you consider the fact that financial stress is a leading cause of chronic health issues, this is about much more than your credit rating.
That’s why we formed a strategic partnership with Swiss Re, and are working together to provide you with personalized content, programs and resources to help improve your financial well being, all within your health profile on Sharecare. We’re also actively developing even more tools – including a proprietary personal financial health assessment, and the ability for you to connect securely with financial and risk management providers at your discretion. This is all part of our vision to help you manage all your health in one place; and it’s critical we educate, empower and enable you to optimize these inextricable connections between your health and wealth.