SharecareNow Names Top 10 Online Influencers in Children’s Mental Health
Only 1 in 5 Children with Mental Illness Identified & Receive Care
Atlanta and San Francisco — March 4, 2013 – In response to President Obama’s recent charge to make “access to mental health care” easier, the health and wellness social network SharecareNow has named the Top 10 Online Influencers in Children’s Mental Health as a resource for families. The National Alliance on Mental Health reports that only 1 in 5 children with mental disorders are identified and receive proper care every year. One-half of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin by age 14. Sharecare’s Top 10 Influencers in Children’s Mental Health include clinical psychologists, parenting experts, therapists and psychiatrists who have an active online presence and are a resource to families seeking support and conversations about symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
Here are the SharecareNow Top 10 Online Influencers in Children’s Mental Health:
- Barbara Greenberg, Ph.D. – The Huffington Post
Clinical psychologist and co-author of Teenage as a Second Language: A Parent’s Guide to Becoming Bilingual and co-creator of the interactive website, Talking Teenage - Dr. Michele Borba – Today
Today show child and parenting expert and award-winning author who has written 22 books including her latest release, The Big Book of Parenting Solutions: 101 Answers to Your Everyday Challenges and Wildest Worries - Harold Koplewicz, M.D. – The Huffington Post
Child and adolescent psychiatrist and founding president of the Child Mind Institute - Lori Lite – Stress Free Kids
Stress Free Kids founder and creator of a line of books and CDs designed to help children, teens and adults decrease stress, lower anxiety and control anger - Mark Banschick, M.D. – Psychology Today
Child and adolescent psychiatrist and author of The Intelligent Divorce book series, which helps divorcing parents avoid the common mistakes that often hurt children during a divorce - Marilyn Wedge, Ph.D. – Psychology Today
Family therapist and author of Suffer the Children: The Case Against Labeling and Medicating and an Effective Alternative and Pills Are Not for Preschoolers - Stephen Grcevich, M.D – Church4EveryChild
President and founder of The Family Center by the Falls, a multidisciplinary behavioral health group practice based in Chagrin Falls, Ohio - Raychelle Cassada Lohmann – Psychology Today
Author of The Anger Workbook for Teens, Staying Cool… When You’re Steaming Mad and blogger of Teen Angst for Psychology Today - Alison Malmon – The Huffington Post
Founder and executive director of Active Minds, Inc., the nation’s leading organization dedicated to empowering students to speak openly about mental health - Jenny C. Yip, Psy.D. – Psychology Today
Executive director of the Renewed Freedom Center, a Los Angeles-based facility dedicated to child OCD and anxiety treatment
The full list of the SharecareNow Top 10 Online Influencers – Children’s Mental Health list can be found here
To be included in SharecareNow Top 10 Online Influencers: Children’s Mental Health, individuals must have demonstrated a consistent impact on children’s mental health-specific conversations online over the past year. Top influencers have an active online presence across multiple interactive channels — such as Twitter, Facebook, video and blogs — and address a wide range of topics, including mental health diagnosis and treatments. Influence is measured and quantified through a proprietary algorithm based on more than 70 individual metrics that include children’s mental health relevance, syndication, presence and reach.
SharecareNow’s Top 10 Online Influencer series is the starting point for people who are on a journey to improve their health or learn more about a specific health area. The lists provide users with background information on a topic and introduce recommended online influencers to follow who can be valuable resources along the way. Sharecare seeks to empower people with the right information, early on, so that they can engage effectively online. Prior lists have identified influencers in weight loss, infertility, heart disease, prostate cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease and more. Sharecare’s goal is to have anyone facing new health challenges or simply interested in learning more about a condition to “Start with SharecareNow.”
About SharecareNow, powered by WCG
SharecareNow, powered by WCG, was developed in partnership with Sharecare, the health and wellness social media platform, and WCG, a market-leading digital communications agency. Sharecare Now, powered by WCG, is an online platform developed to access real-time analytics on various health topics, conversations and influencers, and to use these insights to meaningfully impact the conversation through strategic engagement. The platform allows health and wellness professionals, organizations and brands to leverage the most accurate data, solutions and best practices to participate in the social service of expert health and wellness content and communities.
About Sharecare
Sharecare is a health and wellness social media platform that connects people with top-ranking experts, ranging from doctors and specialists to hospitals, healthcare companies and health-conscious consumers. The power behind the site’s unique Q&A format is its collective wisdom, providing health-seeking consumers with answers reflecting multiple expert perspectives — greatly simplifying the search for quality information. Created by Jeff Arnold and Dr. Mehmet Oz in partnership with Harpo Productions, Sony Pictures Television and Discovery Communications, Sharecare allows people to ask, learn and act upon questions of health and wellness, creating an active community where knowledge is shared and put into practice — simply said, sharing care. Launched in 2010, Sharecare is based in Atlanta, Ga.
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