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On the ground: Sharing care in our hometown

There has never been a more exciting time to be part of the Sharecare Movement. On Saturday, April 16, 2018, we hosted the first ever Sharecare Heartbeat Festival with our partners, the Atlanta Hawks, as an opportunity for us to share care with our community in an engaging, impactful way.

The occasion brought together our employees, partners, friends and neighbors from all over the community for a fun-filled day centered around healthy activities like CPR trainings, outdoor yoga, games and healthy cooking demonstrations. And at the height of what was already an exciting day, Atlanta City Councilmember, Amir R. Farokhi (District 2), also joined us as a special guest and presented a proclamation declaring it Sharecare Day in the city of Atlanta. As a technology company, opportunities to share our work and engage with the community directly are always special, but to have the occasion commemorated across the city is both an incredible honor and a symbolic reminder of why we do what we do.

At the heart of our work is the desire to touch lives by bringing them comprehensive care that meets them where they are – whether that’s in the palm of their hands or the communities where they live, work and play. At Sharecare, we are incredibly proud to work with great partners like the Atlanta Hawks to bring that to life in creative and meaningful ways in our own backyard.

If you missed the action from Sharecare Day, follow us on Facebook, where you can watch a replay of the remarks from our partners and special guests, and continue following our journey in the Sharecare Movement.