AskMD for Apple Watch – in the Big Apple!
By Jeff Arnold, CEO and Chairman
Last week, we launched the Apple Watch extension to our symptom-checker app, AskMD. The app is a great tool to help you learn more about what might be wrong, better prepare for a doctor’s visit and find the right medical professional to treat you – and now that AskMD is available on Apple Watch, it’s even easier to take control of your health. If you happened to be strolling in Times Square on Wednesday, you might have seen our video celebrating the launch of AskMD for Apple Watch while it played on one of the jumbotrons. And for everyone else, check out the above photo to see AskMD “larger than life” in the Big Apple. You also can watch the video for yourself on Facebook; and, of course, be sure to download AskMD for your device of choice, whether you have an Apple Watch, iPhone or Android smartphone.